Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Cloning Compute Nodes

master is in sda
target is in sdb
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=32M
comment out entries in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
Change hostname and IP of the master into the desired one.
Comment out HWADDR and UUID. 
Move sda to the new compute node.

Move sdb to sda of the original compute node. 

Friday, 13 March 2015

Data Transfer using Tar

Most common way of doing data transfer is scp and rsync. However, data transfer with tar is also possible.

An example using tar with pbzip2.

pbzip2 is a parallel compression utility.

From /opt/intel on host machine to /opt on a remote server called fuji103.

tar -cpf - --use-compress-prog=/apps/pbzip2/116/pbzip2 /opt/intel | ssh fuji103 "(source ~kevins/.bashrc; cd /opt/; tar --use-compress-prog=/apps/pbzip2/1.1.12/pbzip2 -xpf -)"

From NFS directory called /usr/local/opt/intel to local directory /opt.

tar -cpf - --use-compress-prog=/apps/pbzip2/116/pbzip2 /usr/local/opt/intel | tar --use-compress-prog=/apps/pbzip2/1.1.12/pbzip2 -xpf -